Species of Wood: Jarrah
Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) is native to the coastal belt of southwestern Australia and is one of the principal species for that country’s sawmill industry. The heartwood is a uniform pink to dark red, often turning to deep brownish red with age and exposure to air. The sapwood is pale and usually very narrow in old trees. The texture is even and moderately coarse, and the grain is frequently interlocked or wavy. The wood weighs about 865 kg/m 3 (54 lb/ft 3 ) at 12% moisture content. The common defects of jarrah include gum veins or pockets, which in extreme instances, separate the log into concentric shells. Jarrah is a heavy, hard timber possessing correspondingly high strength properties. It is resistant to attack by termites and rated as very durable with respect to decay. The wood is difficult to work with hand and machine tools because of its high density and irregular grain. Jarrah is used for decking and underframing of piers, jetties, and bridges, as well as piles and fenders for docks and harbors. As flooring, jarrah has high resistance to wear, but it is inclined to splinter under heavy traffic. It is also used for railroad crossties and other heavy construction.